On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 7:59 AM, Mark Coetser <m...@tux-edo.co.za> wrote:

> Surely disk io would affect normal rsync as well? Normal rsync and even
> nfs get normal transfer speeds its only rsync within backuppc that is slow.

Backuppc uses its own rsync implementation in perl on the server side
so it will probably not match the native version's speed.  Is this the
first or 2nd full run?  On the first it will have to compress and
create the pool hash file links.  On the 2nd it will read/uncompress
everything for block-checksum verification.  If you have enabled
checksum caching, fulls after the 2nd will not have to read/uncompress
unchanged files on the server side.

   Les Mikesell

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