2016-01-11 12:37 GMT+01:00 Alexander Moisseev <mois...@mezonplus.ru>:
> The incremental backup was interrupted due to fatal error. So, it is 
> "partial". It means only some files were backed up. 
> http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/BackupPC-4.0.0alpha3_doc.html#Backup-basics

Status 24 should not considered an error (or at least, a configuration
variable should be added to enable or disable the error 24 detection).
On many server, vanished files are normal (for example, PHP session
file and so on).
Having a "failed job" for an error 24 is not good, because the job was
executed properly, just some file was not copied, as it should be with
volatile file.

By the way, i've added a second server yesterday, and the first full
backup is still running, as per image:

First line: i don't know what is trying to do. First full was
completed with about 1.400.000 files. Second backup was the same. This
is the third backup, why is trying to parse 3.358.721 files ?
Second line: this server was added yesterday and seems to be stuck in
first full backup. No files are parsed from many many hours (rsync log
on client doesn't log anything from this morning). strace to xfer pid
is showing some files parsed.

Yesterday I had 2 backups for server in first line, 1 full, 1
incremental. Now I have just 1 "active" backup. No more full or

Something is not working properly and, after all, is absolutely
nonsense 24/48 hours for each backup. The same server with Bacula was
completed in 16 hours.

How can I troubleshoot this ?

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