On 12/01/16 07:56, Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote:

Hi Gandalf,

Just jumping in here to hopefully provide some guidance. I understand 
that it can be extremely frustrating when you are migrating from a 
product you have used for years and has worked well enough to some new 
product and it isn't working as well as you had expected. The important 
points there are that your existing product has probably been configured 
and tuned appropriately to work well in your environment, while the new 
product hasn't had that opportunity yet, in addition, you know the older 
product well, while the new one is a big black box that is frustrating 
to work out what is wrong, why, and how to fix it. You sound very 
experienced and proficient (based on the types of debug you are doing), 
so I'm not belittling you or your knowledge at all, but equally, we are 
not your typical level 1 tech support droids either, lets work together.

So, please try to do the following:
1) Define and control your environment
* Define the specs of both your server and client (disks, ram, cpu, 
network, raid level, lvm, filesystem, etc)
* Only add one server at a time, when it is working well, add a second, 
eventually you will be comfortable with adding a batch of servers, but 
start controlled

2) When you come across a problem, try to provide as much detailed 
information as possible. This can include unmodified log files 
(excluding passwords), or similar. Don't just provide a tiny snippet or 
a summary, provide all the detail (eg, not just one or two lines with 
the error message, but the 50 lines before and 50 lines after).

3) Focus on one problem at a time
Often solving the first problem will also solve the other 5 unrelated 
issues you thought you had. BackupPC is a complex system, and it can 
take some time and effort to get it working smoothly.

4) IMHO, get yourself a development/testing/spare server to 
install/setup BackupPC. Leave your existing Bacula server in-place and 
working (so that you have actual working backups) and take some time to 
get BackupPC working.

See more comments below....
> 2016-01-11 21:32 GMT+01:00 Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com>:
>> I don't recognize that 'unknown host' log entry.  If the transfers
>> wait for whatever is writing it, it might cause a delay where the time
>> will depend on the DNS response - if you get an immediate NXDOMAIN
>> from a local server it should be quick but if you are referred to an
>> upstream and possibly firewalled server that won't respond you would
>> have a multiple-second wait for a timeout.
> dns resolution is done just on connect, not for each file.
> So, the delay would be just for the first connection attempt, after that,
> speed is normal as no dns resolution is made.
This might be true, but backuppc also needs to translate every log 
message it sees from every tool. If it doesn't understand that a 
specific message can be safely ignored, then it will treat it as an 
error and mark the backup as failed. I don't think a reverse DNS lookup 
would cause this message to be logged, at least not on the backuppc side 
of things. Where did you collect this log from? How many times is the 
error logged? What else does that log include or say?
> And, as wrote multiple times, the same server with standard rsync is working
> perfect. Only BPC is having trouble.
Sure, comparing standard rsync and BackupPC using rsync might be useful 
up to a certain point, but remember they do very different things, 
therefore performance will be different. If you are having a performance 
issue, then you will need to work out which component is causing that, 
and then decide what, if anything, you can do to try to resolve it. 
Performance issues are normally one of these:
1) Disk (not raw throughput, but random I/O). Use iostat while a backup 
is running to see what is happening.
2) RAM (a lot of ram can be used as a disk cache, not enough ram will 
massively increase your disk I/O even without swapping)
3) CPU (for compression, if it is enabled, and also rsync does lots of 
4) Bandwidth
5) Latency (both disk and network)

I've tried to order the above list in the common BPC performance 
problems. Run through the list, check both BPC server and client for 
each thing. When you find the problem, you can discuss it here, there 
could be some config option that will help, or it might require 
installing more/different hardware (eg more ram).

PS, can you explain the reason you are looking to move away from Bacula? 
What issue is it that you are trying to solve?


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