On 02/06 08:51 , Adam Pribyl wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Feb 2018, Carl W. Soderstrom wrote:
> > On 02/04 07:48 , Raoul Bhatia wrote:
> > > What's the issue with using LVM?  Unless you need to reinitialize
> > > the whole fs, i.e. increase EXT4 inode count or switch to another
> > > fs, believe this is a perfect example of where LVM shines.
> > 
> > I'd like to insert a word of caution based on experience. I don't know about
> > using LVM for copying data to a new disk; but I do know that using LVM
> > snapshots to get a quiesced pool for backup, was a poor idea in my case. It
> > took 12h to get a tar dump of a given BackupPC data pool when BPC was
> > fully stopped, but 2 days to try to backup the same data pool when it was
> > quiesced using an LVM snapshot.
> This is the thing - I was thinking about snapshot too, luckily I did not
> used them. To make a 1:1 copy you may use the LVM mirror feature, which is a
> bit new. I used "pvmove" - that _moved_ the data from one disk to another
> fine, but of course is not a copy. I wanted to separated backuppc data from
> /var mount point to its own disk that would be mounted in /var/lib/backuppc
> - that was the reason to make a copy, but as it failed I changed my
> approach.

Thanks for the information. I haven't looked at LVM for many years. 

Carl Soderstrom
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

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