> How are you mounting it? Unit file? /etc/fstab?

/etc/fstab (just the usb devices have changed)

/dev/sdd1 /var/lib/BackupPC                       ext4    defaults        0 0
#/dev/sde1 /var/lib/BackupPC                       ext4    defaults        0 0

> Permissions look ok on the drive and the mount point? How about selinux?

I'm being thick here:

New USB drive:
sudo mount /var/lib/BackupPC/
ls -lhd /var/lib/BackupPC
drwx------ 5 ghenry ghenry 4.0K Jul 24 19:26 /var/lib/BackupPC

sudo umount /var/lib/BackupPC/
ls -lhd /var/lib/BackupPC
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Aug 15  2016 /var/lib/BackupPC

sudo mount /var/lib/BackupPC/
ls -lhd /var/lib/BackupPC
drwxr-x---. 7 backuppc root 4.0K Jan 25 22:23 /var/lib/BackupPC

Remind me, where is it inheriting the perms from? The folders under
the mount are all correct.

I'll check .

> I generally label my partitions on my removable drives and use
> /dev/disk/by-label in a mount script to mount drives I expect to swap
> often. (I haven't done that with BackupPC but I do it with another
> situation.)

OK. I'm not swapping them often, but will have a think about that :-)

> My unit files:

Description= BackupPC server
After=syslog.target local-fs.target remote-fs.target

ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


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