On 7/24/2021 1:34 PM, Gavin Henry wrote:
Remind me, where is it inheriting the perms from? The folders under
the mount are all correct.

ext4 stores owner and group id numbers, so you need to do a "chown -R backuppc.backuppc /var/lib/BackupPC" when it's mounted to set the uid and gid. Alas, it looks like the UID and GID for backuppc aren't registered so they get dynamically allocated when the package is installed. They'll be different on every system. So one might need to do the chown as part of a startup script if the drive gets shared among several servers.


Mount the drive's root to /mnt/BackupPC, create subfolders /backuppc/etc and /backuppc/BackupPC, then do a bind mount of those folders to /etc/BackupPC and /var/lib/BackupPC. That way you'll keep the configuration on the drive with the data. It makes a bare-metal recovery easier if the server dies.

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