On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 10:08:06PM +0200, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> The simple answer concerning using the binary is: yes. I'm not opposed to 
> Bacula being used in commercial applications.  However, if you do use it, and 
> you modify the GPL'ed code (not all of which is mine), which probably applies 
> to the binary as well, you are required to make the modifications publicly 
> available or you are in violation of the license.  The idea (at least my 
I believe the GPL only requires that changes made to the source
be available to people who use the modified binary.
See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#GPLRequireSourcePostedPublic
for a clarification.

-Jason Martin
The Microsoft Motto: "We're the leaders, wait for us!"
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