> Ok. This is a rant and you can remove it from the list if you want to
> later. I just have to vent.
> Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
> still not working correctly.
If you would have asked questions about the problems you were
experiencing we would have helped.
> Things that should be easy that Bacula makes overly complex:
> Labeling tapes
> Assigning tapes to pools
> Reassigning tapes to pools
> Managing disk media
These are all very easy and menu driven.

> Things Bacula can't seem to get right:
> Detecting a tape is in the drive and using it
> Even though the correctly labeled tape is in the drive, and has the
> right Volume label, and is marked "Append", and is from the correct
> Pool....
> Bacula is still waiting for a mount request. Every external program
> recognizes that the tape is in the drive and mounted. Not Bacula
If you issue an unmount on the loaded tape you must issue a mount on
the next tape. If you issue a release on the loaded tape you do not
have to issue the mount command in the console if you have bacula
configured correctly.

> Catalog entries. I've not had a single backup job where the right
> entries made it into the Catalog
> Windows hosts. Good luck figuring out the esoteric path syntax because
> its different in different chapters of the manual and also different
> depending on which part of the config you are editing
This is easy. Use / instead of \

> Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
> up a single system, and even then better be careful.
I backup 50+ computers over gigabit network with the director,
database and storage on different machines. Actually I have several
bacula-sd machines because I have a few tape drives / libraries and I
also use file storage on some of my large servers.

> I'm going with Arkeia Network Backup. Might cost money, but at least
> it will work as advertised which is more than can be said for Crapula
You are guaranteed to get a lower level of user support than what you
have here with that.


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