Am 30.03.20 um 16:12 schrieb Martin Simmons:

> You could try temporarily hacking bacula-sd to report the short block as an
> info message.  In src/stored/block.c, change M_ERROR to M_INFO in these lines:
>       Mmsg4(dev->errmsg, _("[SE0208] Volume data error at %u:%u! Short block 
> of %d bytes on device %s discarded.\n"),
>          dev->file, dev->block_num, block->read_len, dev->print_name());
>       Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, "%s", dev->errmsg);
It looks like it is not enought ot change M_ERROR to M_INFO because the job 
will still
fail and so the metadata still wont migrate to the new job:

31-Mar 01:48 backup-dir JobId 47771: The following 1 JobId was chosen to be 
migrated: 47704
31-Mar 01:48 backup-dir JobId 47771: Migration using JobId=47704 
31-Mar 01:48 backup-dir JobId 47771: Start Migration JobId 47771, 
31-Mar 01:49 backup-dir JobId 47771: Using Device "DiskStorage2" to read.
31-Mar 01:53 backup-sd JobId 47771: Ready to read from volume "DISK016" on File 
device "DiskStorage2" (/media/baculadisk2).
31-Mar 01:53 backup-sd JobId 47771: Forward spacing Volume "DISK016" to addr=217
31-Mar 07:00 backup-sd JobId 47771: Error: block.c:682 [SE0208] Volume data 
error at 0:0! Short block of 57010 bytes on device "DiskStorage2" 
(/media/baculadisk2) discarded.
31-Mar 07:00 backup-sd JobId 47771: Error: read_records.c:160 block.c:682 
[SE0208] Volume data error at 0:0! Short block of 57010 bytes on device 
"DiskStorage2" (/media/baculadisk2) discarded.
31-Mar 07:00 backup-sd JobId 47771: End of Volume "DISK016" at 
addr=972406571008 on device "DiskStorage2" (/media/baculadisk2).
31-Mar 07:01 backup-sd JobId 47771: Ready to read from volume "DISK017" on File 
device "DiskStorage2" (/media/baculadisk2).
31-Mar 07:01 backup-sd JobId 47771: Forward spacing Volume "DISK017" to addr=213
31-Mar 08:00 backup-sd JobId 47771: End of Volume "DISK017" at 
addr=110838477984 on device "DiskStorage2" (/media/baculadisk2).
31-Mar 08:00 backup-sd JobId 47771: Elapsed time=06:07:58, Transfer rate=49.02 
M Bytes/second
31-Mar 10:01 backup-dir JobId 47771: Warning: Found errors during the migration 
process. The original job 47704 will be kept in the catalog and the Migration 
job will be marked in Error
31-Mar 10:01 backup-dir JobId 47771: Error: bsock.c:388 Wrote 4 bytes to 
Storage, but only 0 accepted.
31-Mar 10:01 backup-dir JobId 47771: Error: Bacula backup-dir 9.4.2 (04Feb19):
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu debian buster/sid
  Prev Backup JobId:      47704
  Prev Backup Job:        nihilnihil_home.2020-03-21_20.23.31_49
  New Backup JobId:       47772
  Current JobId:          47771
  Current Job:            MigrateFile2Drive.2020-03-31_01.48.24_05
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 backup-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2017-10-09 08:53:50
  Read Pool:              "Migrate" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "Disk2" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "Monthly" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
  Write Storage:          "FibreCAT TX48 S2" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Start time:             31-Mar-2020 01:49:20
  End time:               31-Mar-2020 10:01:43
  Elapsed time:           8 hours 12 mins 23 secs
  Priority:               21
  SD Files Written:       1,030,385
  SD Bytes Written:       1,082,331,572,757 (1.082 TB)
  Rate:                   36635.8 KB/s
  Volume name(s):         LTO40025|LTO40026
  Volume Session Id:      1
  Volume Session Time:    1585612030
  Last Volume Bytes:      270,297,861,120 (270.2 GB)
  SD Errors:              2
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            *** Migration Error ***

I think the return line should be corrected by changing the false? I'm virgin 
c++ ;-)

   if (block->block_len > block->read_len) {
      dev->dev_errno = EIO;
      Mmsg4(dev->errmsg, _("[SE0208] Volume has data error at %u:%u! Short 
block of %d bytes on device %s discarded.\n"),
         dev->file, dev->block_num, block->read_len, dev->print_name());
      Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, "%s", dev->errmsg);
      block->read_len = block->binbuf = 0;
      return true;             /* return error */

> I suggest you also report this as a bug to
Yes, I will do it later after I have some more information.
By debian buster I have another issue to compile the source. But this is 
another point.


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