-----Original Message-----
From: Don Calkins

I'm not convinced for several reasons.

Dear Don,

I am beginning a very busy period and do not have much time to respond as
your post deserves.

Let me just briefly make two observations.

1.  I think the general character of the future Baha'i civilization (for
example, "and God will rule for evermore -- meaning that the Spiritual and
Everlasting Kingdom will be established") indicates that *if* there will be
"winters" then they must be very mild in contrast to what humanity has
experienced in the recent past.  For example, I think there are passages in
the writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha and the Guardian which would seem to rule out
the possibility of evil religious rulers becoming a significant problem
within the World Order of Baha'u'llah, or that the sun of human virtue will
be eclipsed on a global scale.

2.  The following passage could support your interpretation that there will
be spiritual winters during the Baha'i Cycle, but I think it mostly just
clarifies that there must occur uncertainty and deception ("oppression") in
who/what to follow before the true Manifestation of God makes His/Her
appearance.  For example, starting about 1,000 years from now, centuries may
elapse before the true Promised One appears, during which time false
claimants may arise and deceive many individuals.  I think the many passages
in the Writings and authoritative interpretations with themes along the
lines of "and God will rule for evermore" indicate that it will not be the
World Order of Baha'u'llah which will be the source of this "oppression".

What "oppression" is greater than that which hath been recounted? What
"oppression" is more grievous than that a soul seeking the truth, and
wishing to attain unto the knowledge of God, should know not where to go for
it and from whom to seek it? For opinions have sorely differed, and the ways
unto the attainment of God have multiplied. This "oppression" is the
essential feature of every Revelation. Unless it cometh to pass, the Sun of
Truth will not be made manifest. For the break of the morn of divine
guidance must needs follow the darkness of the night of error. For this
reason, in all chronicles and traditions reference hath been  32  made unto
these things, namely that iniquity shall cover the surface of the earth and
darkness shall envelop mankind. As the traditions referred to are well
known, and as the purpose of this servant is to be brief, He will refrain
from quoting the text of these traditions.
        (Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Iqan, p. 31)

Best regards,
--- Vaughn

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