Blind obedience is when there is no attempt to understand the processes
behind a ruling or a law. Perhaps it is associated with literal views of
the world. It is certainly associated with a wish that someone else will
give the answer to the question, to tell one what to do, and fix it so
it doesn't change. It requires a force of authority, that dictates
without rationale. I must admit, blind obedience doesn't last too long
for most sufferer's but many people seem to yearn for it.
On the other hand, the follower of Baha'u'llah is a seeker for truth.
The framework within which this search takes place, is a virtuous
framework, rather than a framework allowing unbridled expressions of all
sundry emotions and behaviours. The latter being more restrictive than
its proponents would allow. And there really are no other frameworks
available to us as humans.
Additionally, the Baha'i Faith has a framework for the development of
knowledge toencourage that search. Therefore in principle, an
understanding of an issue might change at the Universal House of Justice
through the development of knowledge.  

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Maneck
Sent: Tuesday, 26 August 2003 8:27 AM
To: Baha'i Studies
Subject: Re: Conferred Infallibility of the House of Justice

"The believer having the responsibility to obey. As this obedience is
not blind, (as the statements of the Administrative Order by Shoghi
Effendi recognises), but an obedience that comes from our own personal
love of God, from our covenant with God, then a spiritual dynamic is
created in which believers strive to improve the nobility of their
responses both as regards obedience, but also as regards search for
truth, and the development of knowledge."

Dear Owen, 

As opposed to this, what would blind obedience look like? 
 warmest, Susan 

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