My dear dear Brent

Could you please please on MY BEHALF send his family my condolences, my
deepest condolences to Mr Vinson Jamir's family.

He wrote me hundreds of letters on Susan Nd Mark Foster's list...hundreds of
loving letters

his knowledge was profound and his love for the Guardian and the Covenant of
God soul uplifting
his generosity in sending this servant an ALIM  CD to find Qur'anic verses
brought tears to my eyes.

Please remember me to his family

i am not technically clever in sending electronic condolences.

Please do it for me or Susan who knows how much he wrote to me

We are all only a few heartbeats left in this world a few more dawns and
evenings and we go to 'Abdu'l-Baha the Guardian to Ella Bailey to Keith
Choler to Adib to Mr Khadem [if the janitors of the Abha Kingdom the
**Assayers **mentioned in the Hidden Words allow us into those sanctified

When I was in Haifa one day I saw his picture in the reception room just
next to the Shrine of the King of Messengers

***Night hath succeeded day, and day hath succeeded night, and the hours and
moments of your lives have come and gone, and yet none of you hath, for one
instant, consented to detach himself from that which perisheth.  Bestir
yourselves, that the brief moments that are still yours may not be
dissipated and lost. Even as the swiftness of lightning your days shall
pass, and your bodies shall be laid to rest beneath a canopy of dust.  What
can ye then achieve?  How can ye atone for your past failure?
     The everlasting Candle shineth in its naked glory. Behold how it hath
consumed every mortal veil.  O ye moth-like lovers of His light!  Brave
every danger, and consecrate your souls to its consuming flame.  O ye that
thirst after Him!
 (Baha'u'llah:  Gleanings, Pages: 321-322)

35.  O MY FRIENDS! Quench ye the lamp of error, and kindle within your
hearts the everlasting torch of divine guidance. For ere long the assayers
of mankind shall, in the holy presence of the Adored, accept naught but
purest virtue and deeds of stainless holiness.
 (Baha'u'llah:  Persian Hidden Words, Pages: 34-35)
What is he in need of in the Kingdom which transcends the life and
limitation of this mortal sphere?  That world beyond is a world of sanctity
and radiance; therefore, it is necessary that in this world he should
acquire these divine attributes.  In that world there is need of
spirituality, faith, assurance, the knowledge and love of God. These he must
attain in this world so that after his ascension from the earthly to the
heavenly Kingdom he shall find all that is needful in that eternal life
ready for him.
 (`Abdu'l-Baha:  Promulgation of Universal Peace*, Page: 226)

very sad indeed to hear of his news, so soon after I was shedding tears
thinking of Ella Bailey...

If Brent is busy then whoever is technically clever do so in my humble
humble name and just say khazeh was very very sad and prays to Baha'u'llah,
Sultaan e Sareer e Lahut that haply He, the Hearer and Answerer of Prayers
will welcome Vinson and strengthen his bereaved family.

We may well emulate Bahá’í youth whose recent surge forward into the van of
proclamation and teaching is one of the most encouraging and significant
trends in the Faith, and who storm the gates of heaven for support in their
enterprises by long-sustained, precedent and continuing prayer. We are all
able to call upon Bahá’u’lláh for His Divine, all-powerful aid, and He will
surely help us. For He is the Hearer of prayers, the Answerer.
 (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 214)

khazeh fananapazir

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brent Poirier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Baha'i Studies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 27 August 2003 06:46
Subject: Re: The Passing of Vinson Jamir

> > Does anyone know how I can write to his widow with my condolences? Loni
> You can write to any U.S. Baha'i c/o the Office of Membership and Records,
> Baha'i National Center, Wilmette IL 60091 and that office will forward it.
>  They will not release the address to you, but will forward it.
> Or, you can do as the obituary stated.  Go to:
> In the red box on the left click on "Obituaries"
> In the calendar that appears click on August 25
> In the box that appears highlight Vinson's name and underneath the box
> click on "Display"
> Vinson's obituary appears, and at the top right is a link to his on-line
> guest book.
> Not as formal as a card, but often families do read these, and they do
> bring comfort.
> Brent
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