On 8/27/03 1:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> So my initial reaction to this information was that Baha'u'llah 
perhaps had
> a non-conventional understanding of what constitutes a "creature".  

I can't answer your question, but I'll give my personal take on this.

I have always found SAQ rather disconcerting.  Since I've been 
on-line, I *may* have found the reason.  

It appears that Lady Blomfield was both very intelligent and very well 

While Lady Blomfield consulted with Abdu'l-Baha's translators, this 
is essentially her translation.  This has led some to claim that this 
is in fact a poor translation.  This does not seem to fit with what we 
know of the situation.  

I have heard that Abdu'l-Baha's language in these talks is rather 
simple when compared with the language he used discussing similar 
topic with equally learned Persians.  I think that Lady Blomfield 
understood exactly what He was saying beause they had a similar 
background in these topics.  

My personal conclusion at this time is that the problem is not with 
the translation per se, but with our understanding of it.  I believe 
that eventually there wil be an annotated edition that will explain 
what His essentially 19th century terminology means in todays terms; 
just as there are annotated editions of Aristotle and Plato that 
explain what they meant in modern terminology.  Until that time, I am 
very reluctant to say that I understand what Abdu'l-Baha was really 
saying in some of these passages.   

I would appreciate others comments on this view.

Don C

- - - - -
He who believes himself spiritual proves he is not.

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