In my personal view, the moral corruption in America is accelerating.  In
the last 2 or 3 years the lack of moral conscience related to sexuality
among many of the young, and the increasing number of people who have no
conscience when it comes to murder and other acts for selfish reasons, has
dramatically increased.  I can hardly watch any TV shows any more; I feel
completely alienated for what passes for music and entertainment in my
culture these days. I think it has not anywhere near reached bottom.  It
is not only in these areas as reflected on TV, but Michael Josephson who
heads up an ethics foundation has also stated that people admit in
anonymous surveys to a decrease in personal honesty.  There are ways in
which America maintains integrity, but I think that the immorality and the
secularism are going to reach a critical mass and that this society is
going to create a lot of moral monsters.  Only then will it begin to
awaken to the damage it has done by excising God, religion, and
spirituality out of public life, and by elevating tolerance as the only
virtue, and to excess.

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