> former consitutional law professor, Justice Anthony Kennedy now on the US
> Supreme Court (then on the 9th Circuit with Dorothy Nelson), a devoted
> Catholic, a man highly sensitive to the impact of a statement of a justice
> in a formal opinion, has just opened the door to homosexual marriages, in
> the name of unity.

Dear Brent,

I notice the following statement in the decision he wrote:

"It does not involve whether the government must give formal recognition to
any relationship that homosexual persons seek to enter."

Doesn't sound like he is interested in legalizing homosexual marriages at

The issue in this particular case was clearly one of privacy. A third party
had provided false information to the police in order to justify a raid
which would catch the gay couple in the act of sodomy. Even Baha'i law only
allows sanctions to be taken against persons flagrantly violating our laws
against homosexuality. If I had been sitting on the Supreme Court I would
have made the same decision as Kennedy did.

warmest, Susan

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