Moms & Dads,

Wah, Boss malah menghilang ... mesti cari di mana? OK deh sambil nyari Boss, aku kirimin tips tentang sarapan, terutama untuk (Ibu/Bapak/anak2/balita) yang males sarapan.

How to Feel Like Eating Breakfast First Thing in the Morning

Everyone tells us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that it should be a substantial meal. Yet, some people awaken not feeling hungry and have no desire to wolf down bowls of stodgy cereal and plates of dry toast. For such people, breakfast is more easily skipped until they feel their stomach has "woken up" later in the day. Whatever your reason, the breakfast supporters do have a point - breakfast fuels us for the day. Read on for some tips for the less-than-keen breakfast folk.


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