On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 9:30 PM, Sriram Narayanan <sriram...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:52 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >  I had some stuff to take care of and was too tired to attend the
> > meeting. How did it go? Any tidbits that the list might benefit from?
> >
> The opencalais session was good. I'm going to tell my colleagues about
> this, and they'd surely explore it more.
> Anand and Ramdas have asked that we have sessions again with more
> detail. I agree, since the scant amount of ZFS that I showcased today
> was in itself radically different from what we all know from other
> file systems.
> I request feedback from other attendees on today's ZFS session. Please
> let me know what else you'd have liked me to cover at an introduction
> level.

We had a good meeting. There were some initial hiccups with the
projector but moving to a separate meeting room solved it.

I presented a brief introduction to semantic web and showcased the
OpenCalais API using python-calais. I showed how to extract semantic
concepts (categories) from existing data using the API.

I went on to demo my application which listens to a couple of mobile
phone news feeds and uses semantic information returned by OpenCalais
to provide specific natural language queries (not exactly NLP there yet,
but I am simulating NLP like queries) which return specific answers.

The demo showed making a query on "cost of motorola android" and
this returning the specific data requested on the price of the most
recent motorola android mobile phones.

I will wait for some other attendee for their feedback on how good
this was rather than making the comment myself :)

This was followed by a very good session by Sriram and Moinak on
the capabilities of ZFS. I don't want to get into details, but I was blown
away by the capabilities of ZFS. I had only read about it before and never
seen it in action, so when Sriram showed how to increase the storage
of an existing volume by adding another device and just adding it to
the volume using "zfs add" it was just too good to believe. ZFS
makes those actions which could take hours using Linux ext3
look trivial and done within seconds...!

We started the ZFS session a bit late i.e around 5.30 pm so there
was not much time to showcase all the bits planned. We dispersed
around 6.10 pm.

We were 7 attendees in total.

> -- Sriram
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