
I'm having some problems with the Tab2Mage Importer on BASE2.4.6. I've tried to follow the instructions carefully (http:// lev.thep.lu.se/trac/baseplugins/browser/trunk/uk/ac/ebi/ Tab2MageImporter/README.txt) but still I cannot get it to work. I know that similar issues has been addressed earlier on the mailing list and in those cases the problem was solved by changing permissions (being logged in as admin) or changing the quota. But I just keep getting the same error message:

'IMPORT FAILS: The zip file cannot be unzipped. You may NOT have sufficient Disk Space or Lack permission to read or use the Directory'

I can unpack the very same file using the ZIP file unpacker without any problems. Has anyone any idea how I could solve this?


Adam Ameur, PhD student
The Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics
Uppsala University
BMC, Box 598, SE-751 24 Uppsala, Sweden
phone: +46 18 471 66 86 (admin: 66 90)
fax: +46 18 471 66 98
office: BMC, C6:315a

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