I have some ideas, though you might already have tried them.


1.      Removing all Tab2MageImporter.jar files, new and old. Delete
tomcat/work. Restart tomcat. Edit and save the plugin definition without
changing anything. Now (or earlier) you should get a red box saying that
BASE2 does not find the class or jar file. Put the new jar file and
edit+save plugin-def again. Now the class would hopefully be found and you
are using the new jar file


Or try this

2.      Edit plugin def, select "permissions"-tab and set "use
permissions"="no", if this does not work try manipulating the permissions in
other ways.


Or try this

3.      Be sure that tomcat runs as the same user, (or with users with same
permissions). We have had permission problems when tomcat has run as user
"A" one day and made files and dirs somewhere, and the next day tomcat
hanged and was restarted by user "B". But user "B" was not allowed to alter
files made by tomcat as user "A". Probably a bad setup by us but could
happen elsewhere as well.



Hope some of this is helpful. I made the Tab2MageImporter work some time
ago, but have not tried with the latest version.






[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Emil
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 6:27 PM
To: BASE dev
Subject: Re: [basedb-devel] Problems using the Tab2Mage Importer


BASE admin @ MADR here... :-)


No matter how I Unload, Edit, Restart BASE, delete/move jar files, etc - I
get the following for Properties on Tab2MageImporter:


Name Tab2Mage Importer

Type  Import

Class  uk.ac.ebi.nugo.plugins.Tab2MageImporter

Jar path         /Sites/plugins/base2/uk/ac/ebi/Tab2MageImporter.jar

Version          1.0

Max memory 256.0 MB

Trusted          yes

Allow immediate execution  yes

Items Experiment (item)

Contact          Dominic Oyeniran

Copyright      @Copyright 2007, The EBI NutriBase development team


The jar files themselves are directly from the baseplugins site. I'm NOT
downloading Tab2MageImporter-1.0.jar... All the support jar's are stored in
the same directory (above) - which is obviously not $BASE2_HOME/www/plugins/
(we really enjoy separating the BASE Core from the rest of the plugins) but
the docs say this can be changed and the plugin loads ok and complains/fails
to load when something is missing AND I've tried putting everything in there
as well and it still shows me the 1.0 (but now looking at the code this has
not changed since the last version so no matter)


Still, fails with the same error when executing. 


I'm convinced I'm doing something fundamentally wrong, but I just can't get
my head around it. Any ideas? Free beer at stake!







Were using MAC OS X 10.4.11 and running Mysql. 


One possible explanation could be that somehow we didn't get the latest
version of Tab2Mage Importer installed, even though our base admin is pretty
certain he did. We'll look more into it today or tomorrow and let you know
if that was it.





On Dec 13, 2007, at 2:16 PM, McMurry, Andrew J. wrote:

Which OS are you using, and did you change the permissions on the directory
or the ZIP file? 

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Adam Ameur
Sent: Thu 12/13/2007 3:59 AM
To: BASE dev
Subject: [basedb-devel] Problems using the Tab2Mage Importer


I'm having some problems with the Tab2Mage Importer on BASE2.4.6. 
I've tried to follow the instructions carefully (http://
Tab2MageImporter/README.txt) but still I cannot get it to work. I 
know that similar issues has been addressed earlier on the mailing 
list and in those cases the problem was solved by changing 
permissions (being logged in as admin) or changing the quota. But I 
just keep getting the same error message:

'IMPORT FAILS: The zip file cannot be unzipped. You may NOT have 
sufficient Disk Space or Lack permission to read or use the Directory'

I can unpack the very same file using the ZIP file unpacker without 
any problems. Has anyone any idea how I could solve this?


Adam Ameur, PhD student
The Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics
Uppsala University
BMC, Box 598, SE-751 24 Uppsala, Sweden
phone: +46 18 471 66 86 (admin: 66 90)
fax: +46 18 471 66 98
office: BMC, C6:315a


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Adam Ameur, PhD student

The Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics

Uppsala University

BMC, Box 598, SE-751 24 Uppsala, Sweden

phone: +46 18 471 66 86 (admin: 66 90)

fax: +46 18 471 66 98

office: BMC, C6:315a





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