On 01.09.2017 19:41, Ron Katriel wrote:
Thanks Martin. Below is the modified query with the namespace specification and usage. It works but is cumbersome.

Is there a way simpler way around this - other than modifying the input header to remove the namespace declaration?

I don't think you can avoid the namespace declaration,

declare namespace xs="http://www.drugbank.ca";;

for $drug in db:open('DrugBankFail')/xs:drugbank/xs:drug
where not(empty($drug/xs:atc-codes/xs:atc-code))
return <drug> {
   <ATC5> { string-join(distinct-values($drug/xs:name), ' | ') } </ATC5>,
  <ATC4> { string-join(distinct-values(for $level in $drug/xs:atc-codes/xs:atc-code/xs:level return if (fn:string-length($level/@code) = 5) then $level/text() else ()), ' | ') } </ATC4>,

I would shorten lines like the above to e.g.

<ATC4> { string-join(distinct-values($drug/xs:atc-codes/xs:atc-code/xs:level[string-length(@code) = 5]), ' | ') } </ATC4>

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