Again, I am using the demo version of BBEdit to see if it is what I
will need.

I have just discovered Text Factory but do not know how to use it
yet.  I have a lot of HTML documents in one folder.  They are all
UTF-8.  Many of them have Windows (CRLF) and I want this changed to
Unix (LF).  On these same documents, I want to tidy them and primarily
just reflow?? them to remove blank lines and have proper indentation.

These files have gone through a lot over the past 2 years.  They
started out as Microsoft Word documents and were then saved to HTML
(or rather the Windows way as .htm).  I have since cleaned up all of
the stuff that Word adds to them.  They are now HTML5 with the
shortened DOCTYPE, html statement and charset.  i.e.

<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">

In the process of doing all of this off and on over the past 2 years,
the indentation is horrible and there is are a lot of empty lines.  I
think that I have removed all of the empty tags by now and so the
tidying won't have to do this.

So, my question is: Is Text Factory what I need to tidy the documents
to re-indent everything, to change from CRLF to LF and at the same
time to reflow (?) the documents?

Any help would be appreciated on how to set this up in Text Factory.
If this does what I need, then the minute that I am finished, I will
go straight to the web site and purchase BBEdit.


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