Linda <> sez

[ background details elided ]
>So, my question is: Is Text Factory what I need to tidy the documents
>to re-indent everything, to change from CRLF to LF and at the same
>time to reflow (?) the documents?

In general, yes:

You can use the "Change Line Endings" action to adjust the files' line
ending format, and the "Format Markup" (or "Tidy: Reflow") action to
reformat them.

with this caveat:

Since the results of both reformatting actions depend on the type and
condition of the files they're given to process, I recommend you try them
out on a few files to see which best does what you want before processing
the whole batch.

Also, if you have any further questions about these actions, please drop a
note to support:


 Patrick Woolsey
Bare Bones Software, Inc.                        <>
P.O. Box 1048, Bedford, MA 01730-1048

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