Alex Satrapa wrote:

> In response to Marco's article "Text Editor Intervention"[1], I had
> a brief look around for articles about migrating to BBEdit from TextMate.

That's actually my article -- Marco reblogged it. :)

I don't think migrating is that difficult these days, although there are still some differences in both implementation and philosophy. Most of those are nitpicks, although a couple are real stumbling blocks for me. (No automatic typing pairs is a nitpick, the inability for Codeless Language Modules to reference one another is a stumbling block, and the lack of "smart" indenting -- that is, syntax-aware -- is somewhere in between.)

What I'd like to see is a guide for porting TextMate bundles to BBEdit. Unlike a few of the other editors that have popped up recently, you can't convert them directly, but I suspect a lot of them could be rewritten as AppleScript. However, I doubt I'm alone in finding AppleScript to be a *remarkably* impenetrable language -- this is a project somebody else would have to take up. And most of the publicly-available scripts for BBEdit are, well, pretty old; I get the impression from this list that there's a *lot* more scripts out there that you just kind of have to know about, or ask the right people for, or what have you. Perhaps there should be a community-driven scripts repository for BBEdit to encourage sharing and learning about this stuff.

Watts Martin <>

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