On May 5, 3:23 pm, Gabriel Roth <gabe.r...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd love to see more organized sharing of BBEdit scripts etc.

(I tried to send this message earlier, but I guess it didn't get
through. Sorry if it's a repeat)

I started a Git repository for my Rails related BBEdit filters:
<https://github.com/rwilcox/bbedit_rails_filters> - I would love it if
others contributed their Rails related FILTERS.

The nice thing about TextMate is that the clippings/filters/etc etc
for a technology are grouped into a bundle. Download the Ruby on Rails
bundle and you get everything you might want. BBEdit instead groups
things by what they are... so there almost needs to be a repository
for Rails related Unix Scripts, Rails related clippings, Rails related

Anyway, check out my filter: it makes Open Counterpart useful in Rails
projects :)

Hope this helps,
_Ryan Wilcox

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