Unfortunately the "Open documents into the front window when possible"
preference does not add a new document to the a project window - it
adds it to the frontmost window that is not a project window. If no
non-project windows are open a new document will open in a new

If the "Open documents into the front window when possible" is not
checked each new document is opened in its own window.

The 'New Text Document' option is disabled in the options 'gear' at
the bottom of the lefthand/project pane in a project window. The 'New
Text Document' option does not appear in a non-project window. Both
sound like poor design choices.

The inability to add a new document to a project is an annoying
oversight. I certainly don't create all my code files first and then
group them all together into a project. At least in the previous
versions we could select the 'New' option (in the File menu or in the
window's document drawer) to add a new document to a window - even if
it was a 'project' window.

I'm testing the version 10 demo and certainly won't upgrade just to
make working with projects harder. Creating a new document in another
window and then dragging it to a project window is not conducive to a
smooth workflow.


On Jul 21, 9:48 am, Fritz Anderson <fri...@manoverboard.org> wrote:

> I haven't tried it (BBEdit asks on first launch and I knew what I wanted), 
> but does Preferences > Application > "Open documents into the front window 
> when possible" (checked) do what you want?
>         — F

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