At 14:58 -0400 9/6/11, Jefferis Peterson wrote:
>^([A-Z0-9]+) (.*) [0-9]+ $
>Just curious... A space in the Find field using Grep... Isn't seen is it?
>Like the space before the $  ?
>If no spaces are found before or after in your original Find above, does
>that stop the search?   IOW, what is the symbol for optional but not
>necessary spaces? 

The spaces are treated as part of the expression. You are demanding their 
presence to get a hit.

That's more obvious in perl where regular expressions are always quoted, 
usually using the / character as the quoting character.

/^([A-Z0-9]+) (.*) [0-9]+ $/

Is what you would use. There are three spaces in it and all are required to get 
a hit.

(.*) followed by a space is curious. The * will match the space and demanding a 
real space can cause problems with the greedy concept where matches go as far 
as possible. (.*?) would turn off the greediness.  The ? mark can also be used 
to specify an optional character as in ( ?) where those parentheses are not 
required unless you want a capture.

Note also that [A-Z] will match only upper case.  There are also \d and \w for 
matching more general letters and digits.

And I still use the "Regular Expression Bestiary", a chapter in "Programming 
Perl" which is another O'Reilly book that's not for geometric readers.


    //      \
Fe++          Fe++
  |           ||
Fe++          Fe++
   \\        /

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