On 26 May 2021, at 0:19, Duncan Thorne wrote:

You are all a helpful bunch but I'm still sinking! I looked at the manual
and it addles my brain. Grep, zero-width positions, etc. Yikes.

I think you'll find it simpler if you eliminate Grep from the process and do a literal search. Try writing the "replace" operation in your script as follows:

replace "2021\\n$" using "2021\\t$" options {search mode:literal, case sensitive:false, starting at top:true}

("\n" and "\t" are backslash character escapes for line break and tab, respectively. The AppleScript editor will compile these into literal characters, so to avoid this we add an extra backslash. If you don't do that, the operation will still work, but the script is a little harder to read.)


Rich Siegel                                 Bare Bones Software, Inc.
<sie...@barebones.com>                      <https://www.barebones.com/>

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