Jane, Hugh, Markess and those following this thread.

There are some very good reasons for using Radionic Devices and Instruments. One
of these is that most of us are only capable of holding one thought at a time,
forgetting for the moment, divided personalities and certain mental conditions.
I say this from personal experience. Some years ago, I set out to train myself
to be able to think two unrelated thoughts at the same time. Example, use a
barrier so each eye seeing something different and with one eye read an
unfamiliar text into a tape recorder, while with the other eye, do complex
mathematical calculations on paper, writing all stages so accuracy can be
checked. For a while, my attention quivered between the two lines of
concentration, and while it was tiring, it was not all that hard. But as soon as
I started to be able to run two parallel thoughts, I got into all sort of
problems, which I will not detail here, or advice others to try. So even if we
can run two thoughts, of even three, we would be limited to treating that number
of clients/ animals/ plants/ fields etc at one time. The pretty standard work
load for Radionic Practitioners who are full time and who do little else, is of
the order of 150 long term clients, with a few acute clients. We use a range of
instruments, each with very different effects and uses. Some are used for as
little as two and a half minutes to do a complete treatment of one particular
issue, (usually a number of treatments are given one after another, them at
another time, checked and more treatments), while at the other end of the
spectrum, large numbers of Base 10 type instruments are used for continuous
broadcast for things like boosting the immune system. I have been on one
broadcast room, worked by a practitioners with two fully trained assistants,
with about 6000 individual long term broadcasts taking place. Can you focus your
mind on 6000 treatments twenty four hours a day and still function? I understand
that Hugh cares for several hundred farms with continuous broadcast of a number
of energies, with added broadcast as required. Now he can talk pretty quick, but
I doubt if he could handle several hundred conversations at one time.

While in Radionics, we are working with energy we do not fully understand, we
are in an area where another Radionic Practitioner can verify or take over the
treatment. I do not want to belittle those who send forth flights of angels,
battalions of guides or the intergalactic hordes, in Radionics, we are working
on another level. It is one that is measurable, reactive and observable. Hugh
published an great photo in Acres USA last year showing a power line crossing a
field of corn, interrupting a Radionic Broadcast, resulting in a change in

I have been doing Reiki for about half of the time I have been in Radiesthesia.
I find them complimentary, but separate. With Reiki we can do very good work,
without needing to know exactly what is wrong, or the need for specialised
knowledge. With Radionics we are very specific and require a wide range of
specialised knowledge. For example, if we are not familiar with the chakra
system of a horse, we can not check that system or treat it. If you have seen
the workshop manual and spare parts book for your motor car, that is what your
service man requires access to and the knowledge to interpret, your Radionic
Practitioner must have the equivalent detail and knowledge.

You are free and welcome to deliver any treatment you feel comfortable with and
if you has a mineral deficiency, marauding insects and two points of frost
expected on your nearly ready to harvest crop, you are welcome to send warm
fussy feelings of good will, to your field, but I would be on the phone to Hugh.

Re: talking to RS. I think his energy has been available to some of those
following his lead, such as those developed the Horn Clay and other new Preps.
While not putting my self in the same space as them, some of the experimental
work I have done just amazes me. I am getting clear direction from some where
and it is humbling.


jsherry wrote:

> <<Markess wrote: "So do you sense this in your gut as an emotion
> or in your heart mind as a feeling?">>
> Dear Markess, Hugh & Gil et al,
> I should be more specific with my words. I do not have 'thoughts' about
> this, but more a "knowing". We are vibratory creatures. We have the ability
> to form, focus and hold intent and project that holographically. We can be
> working with trees, in partnership with nature, further deepening the
> vibratory rate of our intent...Or we can be clear channels as in Reiki as
> you say. Really I think we could do whatever we want, in whatever form of
> energy signature in the way of accessing, holding, sending, being 'energy'
> with nothing more than our own bodies.
> Hugh, if you say people cannot hold focus or stabilize detailed intent, but
> that you can tell a machine to do this for you, don't you FIRST have to give
> the machine those detailed instructions? What, you can't work in the realm
> of the invisible and have such conditions on your request, visualization,
> manifestation whatever? One can't include in one's intent a time and space
> element? Why not? Why does a machine do this better than I can?
> The deeper I connect with my vibratory self, the more I see is possible to
> see in the invisible realms. The more I work in partnership with my higher
> self and my guides, the more there is to hear there. It's like any other
> practice.
> Having said that I also would say that I have not used a radionic device
> that I am aware of. The part of me that I call my intuition, which is
> something I have worked on & with for many decades, the part that gives me
> unfailingly good advice (well, except for the time I blurted out that the
> human body is the perfect radionic instrument)--is real clear about radionic
> devices. For me, it is a clear NO.
> Why? I feel/know that if for some reason my intent is not for the greater
> good, that Nature, in her infinite wisdom can act in a self-regulating
> manner that is for the greater good. I do not feel a machine has such
> abilities.
> Why not use a tree for broadcasting out to large areas? Why not use a circle
> of trees circumscribing the areas to be covered in preps? Why not work in
> nature? Why can't you set intent in great detail, lovingly co-created with
> nature? I know you can. Forget belief here. It is a clear knowing. Sorry,
> have no scientific evidence to back it up.
> I think it would be great if someone would have a conversation with Steiner
> about these things! You know, "direct perception". Have a talk with Herr
> Steiner about radionics. Go Gil! Report back to us what he has to say.
> Blessings,
> Jane
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Moen Creek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 9:27 PM
> Subject: Re: Radionics (Drought update)
> From: "jsherry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 15:37:05 -0500
> Subject: Re: Radionics (Drought update)
> But I do believe the
> human body is the perfect radionic instrument.
> Blessings,
>         Jane
> Quoting John Trudell the other day on our local LS Radio WORT "We need to
> believe less & think more".
> Jane what are your thoughts that lead you to this belief. What are your
> experiences you base them on.
> John also stated "Feelings are how the 'Being' speaks, emotions are all
> civilization leave us with". So do you sense this in your gut as an emotion
> or in your heart mind as a feeling?
> In Love & Light
> Markess
> PS http://www.johntrudell.com/ has his new CD bone days

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