----- Original Message -----
From: Glen Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 3:33 AM
Subject: Re: Field Broadcaster

> James
> How big a radius does your rabbit work for from the source of the
> skin????
> Glen
Hello Glen
                 More please ! It makes sense to me that a local pepper
should work better than a more distant one - but then planting willow trees
along the creek made sense to me and it looks like I am alone on that one!.
Do you think that (say) a queensland rabbit would not be all that bothered
by the energy from his deceased southern victorian cousin or is there
something in the genetic makeup of species that allows the peppering effect
to cross borders? - we have Hugh making rae cards for weeds that will likely
be used worldwide - he must think this will work ok - or are we tapping into
Hugh Lovel when we use these. I have had a few handy results with peppers
but have always tried to use local materials if possible, whats your
thoughts on this?
Lloyd Charles

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