Allan Balliett wrote:
Even if you don't give a hoot for canola or soy as foods - - and,
properly handled, soy is an excellent food for humans - - please open
your heart to the harm that organic farmers are experiencing through
Monsanto's carelessness and their power.

Sorry Allan, but if you do your research, you will find that neither
canola or soy are suitable a foods for humans. Collectively they
contribute a wide range of disease and disability. We can handle small
amounts but not if we have them in so many processed foods and the likes
of margarine, which in turn, are included in so many processed foods, we
soon get a massive overload.

I work in the area of food allergy/ food intolerance and these are things
that if removed, in every form from effected people's diet, will make
large and often life altering changes.

I try to eat zero canola and soy, as they are included in so many
processed foods.


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