Hugh wrote>
> Right now Im faced with a conumdrum. At Albury folks were presented with a
> procedure in its full-blown oiperation using both card instruments and
> instruments. They saw the treatments get set up and turned on and maybe
> they saw when they were turned off
> That's the shape those who attended Aulbury and the other workshops are
> presently in. They saw the operation, but now they need a couple of days
> real hands on with coaching to be able to go home and do this work. And
> there's several stages where they need coaching.
> Probably the dowsing is
> the most critical as almost anyone can turn a dial and select a card or
> remedy. The dowsing, of course, will take time to build up confidence and
> accuracy. But a lot of them need to get some real hands-on practice with a
> coach first.
> That's the need--to give some real hands-on coaching, practical stuff
> everyone brings an instrument and we pair off and practice. I'll see what
> can do about coming up with a set of exercises. Lorraine Cahill, who works
> with me here at UAI, would be good at this. It doesn't matter too much
> kind of instrument, we can work with it.

Dear Hugh
                   Maybe we could get some local groups going with this. If
Lorraine could work up a set of excercises so we're all going in the same
direction, we should be able to yard up some coaches to take groups of say
twenty and just work on the dowsing side - its mainly a practice and
confidence thing - questioning technique is a problem for a lot of people
too. I feel confident enough with my pendulum to take a group and I'm sure
we could find others to do so in the other regions but I think this needs
some direction.
When you come out in July/August how much time will you have available for
possibly running smaller regional workshops?
Lloyd Charles

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