> I bet Demeter wont change until the old guard dies out or the organisation
> itself and the farmers it serves are at the point of imminent failure -
If NZ is a guide, another generation has been sporned who believe the crap
the older generation has sold them and they are fighting hard to maintain
their follies.
Sadly they have the facade of authority  as they are an 'Association of
members', who can therefore be taken somewhat seriously by government.
Yes they are fading away, but until some other 'Association"arises with a
Biodynamic trademark Demeter will be seen as the authority.
Once they become illegal it should be easier for something else to arise,
but alas the types of people drawn to dominating groups with any authority
will no doubt produce a similiar organisation to what we have now.
Aquarian anarchy may indeed continue to be the way forward for a bit yet.

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