Yes. There you go again Glen. But no matter. Seems to me if these groups are so irrelevant, why do they survive - I mean, there must be some people who think they are still doing something useful.
(I think I remember the Marinus la Rooij name from that book BD Perspectives? I can't remember the details of his articles but I thought the book was great - focused on good agricultural and animal management practises, not just on the preps.)

This is why quality based certification regardless of production method is
the way of the future.
Absolutely agree with you on this one. But who judges the quality? If you have to go around and try all your certified grower's food - it won't be long before there's a group of disaffected people saying Glen is a !#$*, his preps don't work and he is old school and out of touch.
There needs to be objective measures if the system is to be robust and fair - I once thought it would be chromatography, but I was mistaken. You can't look at every apple grown!

. People are singling out individuals (just re-read recent posts
in this thread, including your own comments below).

Graeme Podolinsky is the organisation, just as in NZ there are one or two people who have 'stolen' the association. It is often the way. One or two people dominate to the detriment of all others. The system they institute keeps them there, especially in a association where no one actually meets and AGMs attract less than 1% of the membership. If they can be identified then name them. In NZ we have one Marinus la Rooij being the major stick in the mud here. Funny thing is he has had several fellow council members ask him to resign, (as well as his wife), and he has not yet taken the hint. Seems its his divinely inspired purpose to block any development, and especially my work. Like dear old Hussein looks like he will have to be removed unceremoniously. The only question is how much further will the association die before he or the other members get it. At present it is little more than a cultist club that lives on all sorts of faith and internal legislation of course. Other groups are already forming around them, sidestepping them and of course making them irrelevant. Hughs coming tour for example, the biggest thing to happen in NZBD in 10 years is organised by these groups.

 > What do you do about such situations?  I don't know.
This is why quality based certification regardless of production method is
the way of the future.

Here it is the government organic mark that is screwing organics the most.
At present they have great regs on paper, but no real inspection, and they
are undercutting $ wise 'the peoples mark' BioGro (which is actually only a
little bit better),,  so it will be broke in a couple of years max, then we
are left with only an immoral govt backed joke. Add GE to this and organics
is dead. All we have left is real quality parameters, however you can get
This will have to come from a peoples movement again no doubt.
Glen A

Graeme Gerrard
1480 Sapphire Coast Drive
Wallagoot 2550

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