> Please take the time to give a detailed look over this image and report 
> any issues to the bug tracker on elinux.org:
> http://bugs.elinux.org/projects/debian-image-releases
On booting this new image I noticed a few issues immediately, but I'm not 
sure if one is by design. The ethernet interface is not setup in this 
image. Running ifconfig shows no IP address for the ethernet port.  

Looking at /etc/network/interfaces I see that the eth0 section is commented 

I tried adding the following to /etc/network/interfaces but I still have no 
IP address assigned (as if dhcp wasn't aquirring an address). Commenting 
out the allow-hotplug line makes no difference.

auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Shouldn't the ethernet interface be setup by default? How does one setup 
dhcp on Debian if not through the interfaces file?

Also, how is one supposed to use the Root Terminal in the LXDE environment? 
It won't accept the admin password for the debian user, and I don't know if 
there is a different root password?

Dennis Cote 

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