Thank you very much for the very detailed information :)

I also found some very useful information.

RobertCNelson schrieb am Mittwoch, 18. November 2020 um 17:31:42 UTC+1:

> On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 10:20 AM Georg Gast <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello Robert,
> > thanks for the answer. So may i sumarize how the BBAI boots:
> >
> > The Am5729 on the BBAI boots like:
> > - Reset Vector in the Arm start from an internal firmware.
> > - The internal firmware knows how to read some sectors from SD/MMC
> > - The internal firmware loads the MLO/SPL from the SD/MMC
> sudo dd if=./u-boot/MLO of=${DISK} count=2 seek=1 bs=128k
> > - The MLO loads u-boot.img also from some sectors on the SD/MMC
> These are correct, the "sector" is documented and the same as am335x,
> am57xx also supports reading the files from FAT file system.
> sudo dd if=./u-boot/u-boot.img of=${DISK} count=4 seek=1 bs=384k
> > - u-boot.img loads uEnv.txt also from some sectors
> For, u-boot.img looks for /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
> and then "uEnv.txt" in multiple locations on FAT, EXTx, and BTRFS..
> For mainline u-boot, u-boot.img looks for /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
> then /boot/uEnv.txt in multiple locations on fat/extX... (BTRFS not
> built by default)
> > - u-boot loads kernel/fdt and initrd from the target partitions boot 
> folder
> For, uEnv.txt set's the variables that load specific
> kernel/initrd/dtb.
> For Mainline, either it uses the generic extlinux.conf vales, or just
> loads /boot/uImage...(aka defaults..)
> > - Linux starts.
> >
> > Is this correct?
> >
> > About the pinmux stuff nuked from mainline:
> > Does it mean, the kernel passed FDT from u-boot can be parsed from the 
> kernel but any pinmuxing (say: set pins to i2c) can't be done from the 
> kernel? Or is this FDT parsed from u-boot and pinmux set? As far as i know: 
> u-boot has basic hardware knowledge in it [3][4]. Can only at this stage 
> the pinmux be changed?
> For "AM57xx", u-boot.img "Must" set the pinmux , while we update it in
> teh device-tree, it's not teh 100% approved way..
> > On early versions of the BBB, the SD card had a partition 1 (W95 FAT32) 
> and FS FAT16 and bootflag set. This partition contained MLO and u-boot.img. 
> Like modern PC systems with their EFI partition. I still have images from 
> 2014 with Angstrom linux which have this setup.
> And 90% of the customer issues we faced at, was
> customers who "formatted" the FAT32 partition to get more space, and
> then angrily returned it to the retailer as defective..
> > Why did u-boot/TI/whoever switch back to bootloaders in sectors like it 
> was before EFI hit the PC system? Is this something that is different from 
> SOC to SOC?
> THUS, I nuked the split fat/ext4 partition as a support nightmary..
> Customer failure returns dropped, I consider the sector method a
> success for end user reliability of these specific SBC's....
> Regards,
> -- 
> Robert Nelson

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