On Mon, 24 May 2021 21:16:32 +0000 (UTC), in
gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user "'Mark Lazarewicz' via BeagleBoard"
<beagleboard-/jypxa39uh5tlh3mboc...@public.gmane.org> wrote:

>I don't own an AI and expecting someone to get your code and run it I can't do 
>it  is all I'm going to say. I can help guide you and MAYBE try it on BBWhite 
>if I have time. In theory the AM 5729 should work the same. 

        If adjusting for the fact that there are 4 PRUs (two modules each with
two PRU cores) -- along with two C66x DSPs (and theoretically a pair of ARM
Cortex M-4 processors -- but I think those were taken up by SoC control
logic), and 4x Embedded Vision Engines (Used, I expect, by the TIDL
projects). However, as the headers are the same as the Beaglebone Black, I
have no idea of what pins are available for the added PRU cores.

Dennis L Bieber

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