Hey All,


I'm new to doing CGI with Perl and so am a little lost here.

I'm working on a web-accessible database system for a (rather large)
group of area churches and went through the rigmarole of assessing
various programming and scripting languages to see which is the best
tool for the job and I landed on Perl::CGI.

I started working on this project and have created scripts that
generate a registration page that emails the registration information
to me for processing.  This is intentional, by the way, as I don't
want it to be a self-register site for certain security reasons.
These scripts work fine, so I started working on a logon form to allow
users who are already registered to logon.  So, on my main page, I
have a right-hand pane that looks similar to this (in the HTML code):

<div id='rightcontent'>
     <p><a href='http://myserver.domain.org/cgi-bin/
     <br />
     <form method='POST' action='http://myserver.domain.org/cgi-bin/
          Username:<br />
          <input type='textfield' name='uname' /><br />
          Password:<br />
          <input type='password' name='pwd' /><br />
          <input type='submit' name='logon' value='Logon' />

This form displays pretty well, though I need to work on the width of
the fields, but that's not my issue.  My issue is when I fill in the
data in the fields and submit it to my "logon.cgi" script, the
password value gets an arbitrary string of numbers attached to the end
and I am not having any luck figuring out where those numbers come
from, nor how to get rid of them back to the clear text of the
password.  For example:

I enter the string 'hiyall2008' in the password field and get the
following values in my logon script...
     Click 1:  hiyall2008153639492
     Click 2:  hiyall2008135813700
     Click 3:  hiyall2008152312388
     et cetera...

As you can see, there is a different arbitrary string of numbers at
the end of the clear text of the password entered.  If it was the same
each time the password was entered, I would just make it a part of the
password and encrypt the whole thing into my database.  However, each
time it is different.  It appears to be only 9 numbers each time, so I
decided to try and strip those 9 numbers off the password with the
'substr()' method.  So, I created the following sub procedure to do

sub strip_string
        my $ret = "";
        for (my $i = 0; $i < length($_[0]) - 9; $i++) {
                $ret .= substr(length($_[0]) - $i, 1);

Say that you pass the string "hiyall2008153639492" to strip_string and the length of that string is 19 characters. At the start of the loop $i is 0 and length($_[0]) - $i is 19 so your expression says:

        $ret .= substr("19", 1);

        $ret .= "9";

At the next iteration through the loop $i is 1 so you have:

        $ret .= substr("18", 1);

                #print $ret;

        return $ret;

Since the length of "hiyall2008153639492" is 19 and the loop starts at 0 and ends at 9 then the length of $ret will be 10.


Now, when I use this method to "strip" the arbitrary numbers from the
end of the entered password, I get the following:

I enter the same password as before, "hiyall2008", and get the
     Click 1:  0134588996
     Click 2:  0157203012
     Click 3:  0138639940

Now, not only do I have arbitrary strings of numbers, I have 10
numbers instead of 9!  I know that it is something that I'm not doing
correctly, but I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong.

If you just want to "strip" 9 characters from the end of your string then:

$ perl -le'
$_ = "hiyall2008153639492";
substr( $_, -9 ) = "";

Those people who think they know everything are a great
annoyance to those of us who do.        -- Isaac Asimov

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