I need help.  Smokey has become really afraid of new
people in the house. He is fine with people outside
(on the street, the dog park, etc.) but inside the
house he is simply terrified of new people.  He likes
women better than man, and often just eyes women
suspiciously for awhile and eventually will greet them
cautiously.  But with men, he will bark and back away
if they try to approach him.  Usually he just goes
upstairs and sits in the bedroom away from the guests.
 Obviously I don't want  to force him to meet people,
but at the same time, I don't want him to be stressed
out whenever anyone comes to the house.  The thing is,
he is fine with my boyfriend and dad.  And I
socialized him extensively all his life.  I have tried
having dog savvy male friends come over, sit on the
floor and offer treats. But Smokey (chow hound that he
is) will sneak over steal the treat and run away, but
he will not stay anywhere near the man.  What is going
on?  Is this a show?  He sure does look scared.  What
can I do about this?

For background, Smokey is 7 months, recently neutered.
 I have had him since he was 8wks, and got him from a
breeder.  He has been in doggie daycare, goes to the
dog park daily and has never shown any aggression.  He
doesn't try to bite the people he is afraid of, just
barks and and backs away.  

Thank you,
Radha and Smokey (I'm friendly, I swear)

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