Hey All,


So this is a weird one, I might have to call for help as a few of us are
simply stuck on stupid on this one.  New BES user, new phone (Curve 8530
- Verizon).  When we tried to activate him the first time (email and
password set in Enterprise Activation), we had a message come up stating
(totally paraphrased...) "An email account has already been configured
on this device.  You will need to wipe the device first".  

We clicked Yes, phone went through activation process then a message
came up saying the device will need to be rebooted.


Okay we thought...


The BB is now booting in a perpetual loop - hourglass...progress bar
(reboot), rinse and repeat ad nauseam.  Of course at this time we
assumed it was a Verizon issue, so we had him take it in and low and
behold...Verizon gives him a new phone for us to destroy err, activate


We did the same process again with the same results on a new device.  So
now I'm really really curious as to what might be transpiring.  


Have you had this issue before?  The part that gets me is the message
immediately received after sending the EA activation out from the
phone...(of course we never wrote it down...)


"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi


Mark Eggan | ITS Help Desk | (707) 259 -8142

Information Systems Specialist II

P Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing this


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