Yes, you’re right that 9012 is another possible ref.

Regarding the option of doing it in the current spec —

- I hear you that you’re not certain you’d be capturing every relevant 
reference, however I think this is a case of “best is the enemy of good”. 
Listing the known references would be an improvement over the current state of 
affairs, likewise updating the description.
- There is nothing preventing a later doc from updating the registry again, if 
that’s deemed necessary. Registries are updated all the time. So, we wouldn’t 
be foreclosing any options or doing anything irreversible.
- Getting WG input (such as would come from a full last call) is certainly 
important for many things, but you’ve just pointed out yourself that this isn’t 
a functional change, so I think it’s unlikely that any harm would ensue from 
not invoking maximum process. 

I had a look at BCP 26/RFC 8216 and this approach seems consistent with the 
guidance there. Indeed, strictly speaking it would be inappropriate NOT to add 
[this document] as a reference in the registry, at minimum — so the only 
question then becomes, whether to update the description and add the other 
references at the same time.

Bottom line, I continue to think it’s appropriate to do it in the current spec, 
and more expedient. Seems like all upside, no downside, very good 

Here’s what (per my reading of BCP 26 §7) the bare-bones update would look like:

9.X Subsequent Address Family Identifiers (SAFI) Parameters Registry

IANA is requested to add this document as a reference for value 128 in the 
Subsequent Address Family Identifiers (SAFI) Parameters registry.

That would then leave the other work for a later draft, as you suggest. I’m 
only providing the above for clarity, it’s not my recommendation, the earlier 
version is.


> On Mar 22, 2022, at 3:27 PM, Ketan Talaulikar <> wrote:
> Hi John,
> This point was discussed amongst some of the authors. We were not sure if we 
> had got all the references to the specs that do this kind of handling for 
> "embedded label". RFC9012 came up as another possible reference.
> I was wondering if we could go about this change in a separate (AD 
> sponsored?) draft so we don't miss anything and also get more inputs from the 
> WGs involved? It is not a functional but an IANA update.
> I can volunteer to put together a short draft for this with your guidance.
> Please let me know your thoughts.
> Thanks,
> Ketan
> On Wed, 23 Mar, 2022, 12:33 am John Scudder, <> wrote:
>> Hi Authors,
>> I’m not sure if this point was considered and rejected (in which case let’s 
>> close it out in email please), or (more likely) just dropped?
>> > On Feb 18, 2022, at 4:48 PM, Robert Raszuk <> wrote:
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Hi John,
>> > 
>> >> Question: SAFI 128 is called “MPLS-labeled VPN address” in the IANA SAFI 
>> >> registry. Shouldn’t this be renamed? I mean, I guess it should have been 
>> >> renamed as of RFC 8365, but better late than never. I’m not sure quite 
>> >> what the name should become, but “MPLS-labeled” is manifestly wrong. Even 
>> >> “labeled” is wrong since the thing you’re stuffing in there isn’t a 
>> >> label. Since you’re the last one to touch it :-) if we can agree a better 
>> >> name for the SAFI I think it would be appropriate to add that to your 
>> >> IANA Considerations.
>> >> 
>> > My suggestion would be: "VPN address & context"  or "Context & VPN address"
>> > 
>> > Thx,
>> > R.
>> I like either of Robert’s suggestions. This would go some small way towards 
>> addressing my concern #2.
>> Suggested text for the IANA Considerations section:
>> 9.X Subsequent Address Family Identifiers (SAFI) Parameters Registry
>> IANA maintains a registry called Subsequent Address Family Identifiers 
>> (SAFI) Parameters. In that registry, value 128 has the description 
>> "MPLS-labeled VPN address”, references [RFC4364][RFC8277]. This 
>> specification, as well as [RFC 8365] before it, changes the semantics of 
>> SAFI 128 such that it can carry values other than an MPLS label. Therefore, 
>> IANA is requested to update the description of value 128 to be "VPN address 
>> & context” and to add [RFC 8365] and [this document] as references.
>> Regards,
>> —John
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