Teus de Jong;481075 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the info. Well it is confusing then, to say the least...
> The situation here is not as bad as I thought. I just looked and almost
> none of my albums have ID3 tags. I'll have to find out how these came in
> there.
> Teus

Try this in EAC:

- First, make sure you have a recent backup of your library, just in

- Second, you must use the latest development version of EAC (2.44e or
later).  Earlier versions don't have the same filtering capability. 
Download and install it if you don't already have it.


- Load your whole library in EAC.

- Go to Tools > Options > Tags and check 'Preserve file modification
time when saving tags'.  This will keep file times from changing when
you make your changes.

- Hit F3 to filter (search) and enter the following:

    %_extension% IS "flac" AND %_tag% HAS "ID3"

In the file view, this should leave you with only FLAC files that
contain ID3 tags.

- Cut and paste to remove the ID3 tags and it will only perform the
operation on the files with extra ID3 tags, not the whole library.


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