audiomuze wrote: 
> Some time ago I made the switch from Ubuntu Server to using Arch Linux
> as the host OS for my music server.  I've cribbed an LMS install from
> Triode's Squeeze on Arch scripts and have the lot up and running
> successfully, however, with the improvements in 7.9 I'd like to be in a
> position to test the latest nightly on my server so I can provide
> feedback, check for bugs etc.  Two questions:
> 1) Michael, would you consider adding a nightly for Arch Linux; if not
> 2) Could you point me in the right direction re what's required to build
> LMS from source - I'm happy to to do the building myself, just need to
> know how to go about it.

The squeeze on arch scripts for LMS 7.9 use git which is equivalent to
the latest nightly.  I've split the install in two so that you should be
able to build the cpan modules once and then only rebuild the LMS script
regularly to get the latest update.  (Or you could just use the soa web
interface to update to the latest version)

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