mherger wrote: 
> > When all tracks removed from playlist for player, either individually
> (1
> > by 1) or by clearing the playlist, the player 'duration' field
> remains
> > with the value of the track that was active prior to removal.
> Thanks, will look into this. Not today, though :-).
> -- 
> Michael


Here is a bit of an update - Not sure if what I describe below is the
expected behavior.  

1. Create and save a user playlist with more than 1 track and then
select 'play' on your saved playlist.
2. Skip to any track past track #1.
3. Clear the playlist from the player (don't delete from saved
4. The 'duration' that remains when playlist is the duration of the
track that was currently playing when the playlist was cleared.
5. Select the playlist you saved in Step #1 and then select 'play' from
the Web UI.
6. Play does not begin with track #1 in the playlist, but rather it
begins with the track that was active when Step #4 above was done.

I have tested multiple saved playlists and switching between each and
behavior is consistent as follows.
When a saved playlist is selected for playback and has been played
before, the last track that was playing when playlist is cleared is
remembered.  I guess this feature is desirable if one has a long
playlist and wants to continue at the track that was last active. ;) 

Is there a property that controls this?

This behavior for playlists is different than when one selects an album
to play.  Playback of an album always appears to start at Playlist entry
at index 0 (track #1).

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