Hi Campbell,

On 08-03-18 04:48, Campbell Barton wrote:
Supporting C/C++ in an add-on means there is technically nothing
stopping someone from bundling an entire library.

While it's possible this makes sense in some cases, it introduces
issues with having to properly integrate a library into Blender
(workaround constraints in the API, even bugs).
Notice the add-on linked misses support for things currently working
in our add-on.
While it could be fixed, that add-on is basically moving from Python
to C which is quite a different project.

Thats' true. I actually didn't spend too much time on the add-on, as I mostly use the bundled script (mesh_readply.py) directly in other scripts that need to load data from PLY. Interactive import happens a lot less (and even then I frequently use blender -P mesh_readply.py...).

For the GSOC I rather we keep a Python reference implementation with a
C fast-path which is typically useful for parsing arrays of geometry.

I will be interested to see how the GSOC work pans out. Going through Python, even when being able to pass arrays/buffers is still somewhat suboptimal in the current setup. Setting up a Mesh with UVs and such takes a bit of work and having to use 4 indices per triangle to pass to foreach_set('vertices_raw',...) is unfortunate. I didn't look into it, but is passing polygons with more than 4 vertices even possible, or would you need to tessellate the geometry first yourself?

PLY and STL are simple enough formats that I'm skeptical of the value
of using 3rd party libraries.

Fair point. STL is a no-brainer to implement oneself. For PLY I used rply because it exists and I didn't want to spend time on writing a PLY reader (and it supports both binary and ascii variants of .ply). The API is actually a bit quirky, with all the callbacks.



Paul Melis
| Visualization group leader & developer | SURFsara |
| Science Park 140 | 1098 XG Amsterdam |
| T 020 800 1312 | paul.me...@surfsara.nl | www.surfsara.nl |
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