On 22/02/2018 16:44, NNEX Support wrote:
> I'm sorry to keep replying to myself but I believe I've found the line of 
> code that is causing this issue. Looking at validator.c, in the 
> check_deadlock function, 9.12.0rc1 says:
> ...
>                 if (parent->event != NULL &&
>                     parent->event->type == type &&
>                     dns_name_equal(parent->event->name, name) &&
> ...
> 9.12.0rc3 and above says:
> ...
>                 if (parent->event != NULL &&
>                     (parent->event->type == type ||
>                      parent->event->type == dns_rdatatype_cname) &&
>                     dns_name_equal(parent->event->name, name) &&
> ...
> By removing  "parent->event->type == dns_rdatatype_cname)" (and adjusting the 
> rest of the if statement appropriately) the query "dig ns rs.dns-oarc.net" 
> works.
> I see this commit related to this line of code: 
> https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/bind9/commit/2b51d5874c49ac823890b88824290fbf1c18f2cc
> I'm sure this line of code is important, otherwise it wouldn't be there and I 
> don't know enough to be removing random bits of code, so of course I'd never 
> run this in production. Still I want to understand why this is happening and 
> if it’s a bug or me not understanding DNS properly. 

Good sleuthing - though apart from understanding why the query now
fails, I don't think there's any code defect that needs to be addressed.
 This line of code belongs with these changes between RC1 and RC3.  They
are kinda important (note the CVE reference):

4859.   [bug]           A loop was possible when attempting to validate
                        unsigned CNAME responses from secure zones;
                        this caused a delay in returning SERVFAIL and
                        also increased the chances of encountering
                        CVE-2017-3145. [RT #46839]

4858.   [security]      Addresses could be referenced after being freed
                        in resolver.c, causing an assertion failure.
                        (CVE-2017-3145) [RT #46839]

The debug log you pointed to was also specific about why the validation

validating rs.dns-oarc.net/CNAME: checking existence of DS at
validating rs.dns-oarc.net/CNAME: continuing validation would lead to
deadlock: aborting validation
validating rs.dns-oarc.net/CNAME: deadlock found (create_fetch)

The rs.dns-oarc.net zone is broken because it returns a CNAME for
queries at the apex.

Observe the delegation (I'm querying one of the servers auth for

; <<>> DiG 9.11.2 <<>> +norec +dnssec @ rs.dns-oarc.net NS
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 43571
;; flags: qr; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 3

; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 4096
; COOKIE: 47d4eddbbbde6fd18616a25b5a952d35767788ad0b03038f (good)
;rs.dns-oarc.net.               IN      NS

rs.dns-oarc.net.        3600    IN      NS      ns00.rs.dns-oarc.net.
rs.dns-oarc.net.        3600    IN      NSEC    rs4.dns-oarc.net. NS RRSIG NSEC
rs.dns-oarc.net.        3600    IN      RRSIG   NSEC 8 3 3600 20180328101103
20180226091103 12093 dns-oarc.net.
ZMwdNPdGxmVLOz1Ou5tByfZV2ZLpueF+hBB12wft+wNCysjMuwtx4U2D a64=

ns00.rs.dns-oarc.net.   3600    IN      A
ns00.rs.dns-oarc.net.   3600    IN      AAAA    2620:ff:c000:0:2::133

Then look at the query response for a DS RRset that the BIND validator
is receiving from ns00.rs.dns-oarc.net:

; <<>> DiG 9.11.2 <<>> +norec +dnssec @ rs.dns-oarc.net DS
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 61119
;; flags: qr aa; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 27, ADDITIONAL: 28

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;rs.dns-oarc.net.               IN      DS

rs.dns-oarc.net.        60      IN      CNAME   rst.x1013.rs.dns-oarc.net.

x1013.rs.dns-oarc.net.  60      IN      NS      ns00.x1013.rs.dns-oarc.net.
x1013.rs.dns-oarc.net.  60      IN      NS      ns01.x1013.rs.dns-oarc.net.
x1013.rs.dns-oarc.net.  60      IN      NS      ns02.x1013.rs.dns-oarc.net.

--- snip (lots of NS RRs) ---

This is a CNAME at the apex of the delegated zone - I can't get NS or
SOA RRs either, and that's what the updated validator is unhappy about.

Prior to the changes to stop the potential validation loop (which
probably wasn't going to be a loop in this specific instance, but BIND
didn't know that), clients using validating BIND to send a
reply-size-test query would have 'got away with it'

But no longer.

But since the reply-size tester doesn't work any more anyway with modern
BIND, does this matter?


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