Dear BiocDevel, Bioconductor Team :

I've read Bioconductor contribution repository, and new package submission
with full instruction, and make sure I am ready to submit my packages --
MSPC -- to Bioconductor projects. However, my package both succeed with R
CMD check, R CMD BiocCheck without any error, warning. However, R CMD
BiocCheck alarmed me 2 NOTES about indentation issue on my code, and adding
NEWS file. I did add NEWS files where specify list of function in current
version of MSPC packages, but R CMD BiocCheck always gave me same NOTE.
Plus, I fixed code indentation with 4 space tab, but R CMD BiocCheck still
alarmed me that 3% of code needs to re-indent. May be Bioconductor team
guide me how to fix this small issue. To be short, I'll open issue on my
project repository if this mail is sufficient to inform my request. Thanks
a lot.

Best regards :


Jurat Shahidin

Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 - 20133 Milano, Italy
Mobile : +39 3279366608 <+39%20327%20936%206608>

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