On 11/19/2017 06:11 PM, Neumann, Steffen wrote:

thanks for the answer, unfortunately
not exactly what I meant. To be more precise:

I want to point Galaxy to download (test) MS data files
from either the faahKO package, or msdata or mtbls2 in BioC.

For that I need an ftp/http/https link to the files,
and I was able to use


(which still works, but is probably outdated)
So is there anything equivalent in the new git setup ?

no, not from git.bioconductor.org.



On Fri, 2017-11-17 at 04:31 -0500, Martin Morgan wrote:
On 11/17/2017 04:08 AM, Neumann, Steffen wrote:

I would like to have a URL to individual files
we have in BioC packages. This is useful
e.g. if I need test data from, say, the msdata package,
in another context.

In the SVN days, I was able to point directly
into the SVN repo with readonly:readonly access.
We also had the (now deprecated) way to link to:

-> Is there anything comparable today ?

I think the git archive command might do the trick, but it requires
(i.e., write) access to the repository

git archive --remote=g...@git.bioconductor.org:packages/xcms \
       master DESCRIPTION | tar -xf -

It could be as simple as a directory tree
of a working copies of all https://git.bioconductor.org/
served by the apache (or whatever) web server,
or (a bit cooler) a gitweb or similar http interface.

Wouldn't that be a fantastic christmas present
for us users and developers :-) ?


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