> > I guess you don't really want fields but a possibility to substitute
> > fields for methods with no arguments creating accessors on he fly.
> That is sufficient ONLY if we can statically compile out all of the
> resulting overhead.

FWIW, Dylan took the route of generating automatic accessor methods for
all object fields.  There isn't even a way for a user of a class to
distinguish between a "real" field and handcrafted accessors that just
look like fields.  The effect is a decoupling between usage sites of a
class and its implementation, which makes the code easier to maintain.

The Dylan compilers usually do a good job of eliminating the actual
method call.  Accessing a field boils down to calculating its offset in
the memory structure of the object.  As long as there is only a single
inheritance path for data members, this offset is fixed for all
subclasses of the class that introduced the member.  There's a mechanism
called primary classes to enforce fixed offsets for some members even in
the multiple inheritance case.

Two more points.  One is that in Java, quite a lot of people consider it
to be good style to exclusively use accessors, and the automatic
refactoring in Eclipse that automatically generates accessors is pretty
popular.  The other one is that in cases where your compiler can't
eliminate the method call, you would have needed some ad-hoc dynamic
mechanism anyways.

Andreas Bogk

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