In earlier email, I toyed with the idea of type class inheritance and
allowing (that is: not rejecting) fields in type class definitions. Sandro
and Michal argued that this somehow violates what an interface/class is
supposed to be about. In reviewing the paper draft that Bruno is submitting
tomorrow, an interesting case emerged that may provide a counter-example.

Because constraints are types in Scala, any function of the form

  Constraint 'a => 'a -> bool

can be rewritten as a function taking an additional argument:

  Constraint 'a -> 'a -> bool

Bruno proposes to add a keyword "implicit" to Scala, with the intent that a
parameter marked "implicit" is optional. If omitted, the required value will
be taken from the unique, global, implicit value of that type. This is
somewhat like default parameters, but is really intended to provide "fill in
the blank" behavior for type classes. It lets him write a single procedure:

  sortList : implicit Ord 'a -> ['a] -> ['a]

where the user can explicitly provide an ordering rule or (by omission) use
the default ordering rule for the type. So far so good.

But note that Ord 'a is in turn constrained by Eq 'a. So if we start with
the original, unsimplified type of sortList:

  sort: Eq 'a, Ord 'a => ['a] -> ['a]

and move the Ord constraint to argument position as an implicit parameter:

  sort Eq 'a => implicit Ord 'a -> ['a] -> ['a]

we have not automatically discharged the Eq 'a constraint, and we cannot
erase it! We know that *some* definition for Eq 'a was required in order for
Ord 'a to be instantiated, but if some variant Ord 'a is provided as an
argument we don't know which variant of Eq 'a was used in that definition of
Ord 'a. This leads to the potentially awkward outcome that the ord.<=
operation may use a different criteria for equality than the == operation
used in the implementation of sort. Worse, there is no way for the sort
implementation to know that it is using the *same* sense of equality. If we
move the Eq 'a constraint:

  sort: implicit Eq 'a -> implicit Ord 'a -> ['a] -> ['a]

then the caller is free to provide unrelated definitions of Eq 'a and Ord

Note further that moving the Eq 'a constraint to the instance/object
definition doesn't really help any.

In the Scala scheme, the Ord constraint type class could be written in two
ways (in quasi-Haskell, since I don't know Scala):

  Eq 'a => class Ord 'a where ...
  class Ord 'a (eq :: Eq 'a) where ...

the first says that in order to instantiate Ord 'a we must show some
satisfaction for Eq 'a. The second says that we must provide a *specific*
satisfaction of Eq 'a at the instance object definition as an argument to
the constructor for Ord 'a. That is: Ord 'a has a *field* that provides a
dictionary pointer.

Why a public field? Why not just a field that becomes part of the internal
(existential) type? Because there are situations where the user of a
particular Ord 'a needs to know that they are using the same definition of
equality that was used by that particular instantiation of Ord 'a...

My first thoughts here are (a) this seems to have great power, but also
great potential for confusion, but (b) without the ability to require this
field at the type class definition, we have no way to state the requirement
that each instantiation must expose the instantiation of Eq 'a that was used
for that instance of Ord 'a.

And just for completeness, note that inheritance would not simplify matters

I just sent a note off to Bruno about this. I suppose my summary comment for
the moment is that this stuff is damned subtle, and adding the flexibility
of explicitly named dictionaries/constraints seems to impede the compiler's
ability to inline fundamental type classes.

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