On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Sandro Magi <naask...@higherlogics.com> wrote:
> Type classes are restricted to virtual methods because type classes are
> intended purely as a specification of overloadable behaviour.

Yes. But if you were trying to truly unify conventional classes and
type classes, this restriction isn't really necessary. It can be
preserved as a matter of idiom rather than as a matter of language

>> Now if all of this is the case, then we must ask whether we shouldn't
>> just allow fields in [type] class definitions...
> A Haskell data type can have instances for multiple type classes. If
> this is not permissible in your framework, then they're not type
> classes. If it is permissible, what do you do when two different type
> classes have the same field name? Seems like you run into multiple
> inheritance issues here.

Good point. I wasn't stuck on fields. Just playing with the idea to
see where it broke.

> I'm not actually convinced the overhead of type classes is really a
> problem. A type class is an extreme abstraction mechanism, so employing
> it implies the abstraction is needed.

Umm. When something as foundational as "Eq 'a" is a type class, it's
not an extreme mechanism any more. It's foundational, and it needs to
be low-overhead.

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